Or at least the physical labor. A quick, one-picture tour of where I make all the goods:

The Dragonflight Dreams workspace
1. Ever-present roll of paper towels. Screenprinting is a messy business sometimes.
2. Gauzy material that will eventually be stretched over hoops to become a screen.
3. Finished screens that have been removed from hoops to make way for new ones.
4. Blank apparel awaiting creative genius.
5. Handily placed trash bag, out of reach of #15.
6. Small jars of custom-mixed ink colors I’ve used.
7. Various utensils necessary to the screenprinting trade: sponge brushes, ruler, scissors, paint knives, pencil, Sharpie, painters tape, etc.
8. Speedball fabric inks in their original/pure colors, both solids and metallics. Also some screen retardant and base extender hidden in their somewhere.
9. Half form mannequin that is currently the most-used model for my shirts. Vague plans to do a real-people photo shoot sometime in the fall.
10. Trusty iron for heat-setting the ink. No one likes a leaky design.
11. Hoops currently without screens, and a big pre-made screen I haven’t decided what to do with yet.
12. Stack of cardboard from deconstructed boxed to use as backing when printing, as seen in #13.
13. Work in progress. Just printed, waiting for ink to dry to heat-set.
14. The oh-so-comfy work chair. Actually, it’s not terrible. I do most of my work standing, anyway.
15. My slave-driving overlord. Also known as Sienna, our 1-year old lab/pitt puppy who likes to sleep on my feet when I do actually sit in #14.