The last year and a half have been a roller coaster. You probably noticed this blog and its social media accounts got much quieter. This post explains why.
33 Before 33
As promised, here is my list of things I want to accomplish before my next birthday! Take a look: Finish the restructuring of my design site. Been working on this a little while, would like to finish it up and launch sooner rather than later. Finish designing a...
32 Before 32 Goals Recap
Today is my birthday! I have, somehow, reached the age of 32 intact. I make myself a list of goals I want to accomplish before next year's birthday each year. This is what I set for myself last year at this time. Let's see how I did: Go to a design conference. Nope,...
Taking Stock
Taking a page from Pip's book and using this list to do a life snapshot. I don't have any fun pictures to intro this, so we're just going to jump right into the list: Making: cupcakes in the morning! Cooking: Nothing at the moment, but I made this for my mom and...
Taking Stock
Taking a page from Pip's book and using this list to do a life snapshot. Making: a new cover for Pride & Prejudice over on my design blog. Cooking: Nothing at the moment. Drinking: Sweet tea. Reading: The Children of Earth & Sky by Guy Gavriel Kay. Wanting: to get a...
How Being an Internet Addict Changed My Life for the Better
I am an admitted internet addict. I laugh in the face of those surveys that ask me to estimate the time I spend online. It'd be easier to estimate the time I spend offline. Admittedly, a lot of that online time is due to work, but still. I am online a LOT. And you...
5 Things Friday
A little bit about what’s on my mind this Friday.
5 Things Friday
1. In October, after my name change and all, I re-launched my design business with a new focus and new name. It's Studio Guerassio, and I focus on design & branding for the lifestyle sector (food & drink, writers, artists & makers, culture, events, balance &...
Finally Hitched: Wedding Pictures!!
Not quite 2 months ago, Ian and I finally tied the knot! 😄 We were married at Villa Antonia here in northwest Austin hill country. After having nervously watched the weather for two weeks, September 20th dawned bright and beautiful. We had gorgeous weather...
Honeymoon Recap: Art
Warning! Possibly NSFW, lots of artwork with classical nudes coming up. I am a designer, with a pretty good studio arts and art history background, so it's no wonder I like to visit art museums. The surprise is that Ian, a very math-and-logic engineer type, LOVES art...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!