My review of book 1 in a new fantasy series by Sally Green: The Smoke Thieves.
My Journey to Motherhood
The last year and a half have been a roller coaster. You probably noticed this blog and its social media accounts got much quieter. This post explains why.
Recent Reads
Well, hi there! I know, I know... it got quiet on here for a little while. But I'm back! And never fear, books have still been devoured and enjoyed in the mean time. Here's a few noteworthies I've read lately: The Space Between the Stars by Anne Corlett. Humanity has...
Recent Reads
Hey! Yes, it's been awhile. Life kind of got hectic there for a bit. I've still been reading, though, never fear. Here's what I've gotten into lately: Within the Sanctuary of Wings (The Memoirs of Lady Trent #5) by Marie Brennan. This is the final book in the...
Book Review: Dark Matter
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. After being attacked and abducted, physics professor Jason Dessen wakes up in a life that is not his. Or at least, not his life as he remembers it. It's a version of what his life could've been if, say, 15 years ago different decisions had...
Book Review: Fledgling
Fledgling by Octavia Butler. This could be your typical girl-wakes-up-hurt-with amnesia story, except for one significant difference: this girl is a vampire. Imagine waking up alone, injured, with strange cravings, and not only having no recollection of who you are or...
Book Review: Nevernight
Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle #1) by Jay Kristoff. Girl's family is killed. Girl narrowly escapes with her life. Girl ends up on the streets. Girl wants revenge, and is taken in by an old assassin and trained as his new protege in preparation for going to...
Series Review: The Star-Touched Queen
The Star-Touched Queen The Star-Touched Queen (#1) A Crown of Wishes (#2) By Roshani Chokshi. Book 1 follows the story of Maya, who has been cursed since birth with a horoscope that predicts a marriage of death and destruction. Shunned by the entire kingdom,...
Book Review: The Bear and the Nightingale
The Bear and the Nightingale (The Bear and the Nightingale #1) by Katherine Arden. Vasilisa, the youngest of 5 siblings, grows up in the Russian hinterlands with a special connection to the wild. She loves her nurse's stories of the different spirits of house and...
Book Review: All Our Wrong Todays
All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai. Tom lives a aimless, drifting life in 2016. Except it's not our 2016, it's the 2016 that would exist if humans had discovered unlimited clean energy decades ago. In other words: the sci-fi future we've dreamed of since the 1950's,...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!