This month I am honored to be sponsoring SIX fabulous blogs! You should check them all out, on their own merits. And then watch for their sponsor-themed giveaways/coupon codes to snag some DA swag. 😉
Holly over at Create*Loves is a spunky Canadian, business owner and blogger with an active sense of humor, blogging her way through motherhood, fashion, crafting, and more. Lots of photos and a down-to-earth tone make her blog a pleasure to read. You should check out her site. You can also find her on Twitter: @createloves
Easily Dunn
Jamie Dunn over at Easily Dunn (love the clever name!) chronicles every day life for her family (her husband also occasionally posts). Of course, for a open-spirited lady like Jamie, ‘every day’ turns into an ode to life, love, and happiness. I dare you to try to read her blog and not smile. Go look!
Lariats & Lavender
Angie over at L&L is a breath of fresh air in the blogging circuit. She’s young, Wiccan, and married – to another wonderful lady. I think it’s awesome she is so open about her beliefs and lifestyle; her posts are filled with a vibrant love of life, further proof that the ‘traditional’ idea of family is not the only one that works. She also has a shop where she sells her illustrations. Check out her site, and go see her on Twitter: @AngieBailey13
Mama Marchand’s Musings
Tricia (the mama in question from Mama Marchand’s Musings) is one of the nicest ladies you will ever virtually meet. I’m sure it’s also true in person, but I only know her through the web. 🙂 She fills her blog with inspiration, photos, thoughts on life and motherhood, and more. You should also check out all of the awesome jewelry in her Etsy shop. Then visit her blog, and chat her up on Twitter: @mamamarchand
This Enchanted Pixie
Polly over at This Enchanted Pixie is a fun lady blogging from North Wales about art, homemade crafts and food, life, motherhood, and pretty/inspiring things. Her shop is full of Bohemian-esque, vintage-inspired clothing and jewelry. You should check out her blog and follow her on Twitter: @pixie_polly
After Nine to Five
Ashley from After Nine to Five is the queen of self-employment, better blogging tips, fun guest posts, awesome giveaways, and yummy things. She also offers e-books and e-courses, and has a shop full of accessories and prints. Plus she’s just a cool, friendly chica. 🙂 Go check out her site, you won’t regret it. You can also find her on Twitter: @afterninetofive