It has been a WEEK. And I’m not stressing the number of days, but just the sheer full busy-ness of it. I am tired. So much so that I completely forgot to put together a Friday Favorites post. So you get this instead:

Sienna is tuckered out, too.
How cute is she? All curled up by my office chair. 🙂 While the coming weekend looks to be just as busy, at least most of it is fun stuff. Things in store for yours truly this weekend:
- Watching Ghostbusters for the first time (yes, I know) at a friend’s house while enjoying nachos and buttermilk pie. Possibly some gaming to follow.
- Trying out some new breakfast cookery (homemade mini danishes and sausage rolls). If this works out there will be a recipe post.
- New internet company comes tomorrow. We’re upgrading to a much speedier connection, which excites this internet-dependent businesswoman.
- More screenprinting! Continuing the layered ombre look, and probably some more phoenix prints.
- Going to a hockey game (Texas Stars) for the first time in YEARS, with an actual Canadian. Should be good!
- Tentatively meeting up with my friend from Australia who is supposed to be in town this weekend. I hope this still happens/he commits to actual plans.
- Taking advantage of Austin Restaurant Week some more by hitting up Fogo de Chao with Ian’s work buddies.
- Finishing the book I’m reading (The Tiger’s Wife).
- Probably some laundry and dishes and general house cleaning stuff in there as well.
What is everyone else up to this weekend?