Jill Ventimiglia of Just Jill Cosmetics
This past month I had the pleasure to meet the Jill behind Just Jill Cosmetics here in Austin. After 10 years working as a Hollywood make-up artist, Jill moved to Austin to be closer to family, and also to launch Just Jill, a natural mineral make-up and skincare line that she designed. She offers a wide range of services to go along with her products, including facials, massages, wedding make-up and more. I was lucky enough to be able to try out one of her facials shortly after the grand opening of her spa location.
Now, to be fair, I had never had a facial before in my life, so I didn’t have anything to compare it to, or really know what to expect. I half expected cucumber slices on the eyes, like you see in the movies. I learned from Jill that this isn’t actually useful other than a cooling effect; if you really wanted the moisturizing effect from cucumber you’d have to mash it up into a paste, which would understandably be much less comfortable/popular. Jill was gleeful about being my first and took me through several rounds of scrubs and masks and whatnot (I don’t pretend to know the half of what she did, even though she talked me through it). Some of them were cooling and some tingly, and some smelled wonderful. There was one particular one that smelled like chocolate, though Jill assured me it only had apricots as the base. Whatever, it was nice. There was relaxing music playing, we chatted about our businesses, and overall it was a relaxing break in my afternoon. She also (potentially gross alert) got rid of this calcified blackhead in my cheek that had been bothering me for AGES, so that was cool. I didn’t even know that’s what it was, it was just a hard little bump that wouldn’t go away.
Bottom line: definitely a good experience. If you are in the Austin area, definitely check her out. To help motivate you, Jill is offering a coupon for 50% off certain of her services:

*Choose one. New clients only. 1 per person. Must present coupon to redeem. Expires Oct. 1 2012
Just Jill Cosmetics
8229 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 107
Austin, TX 78757