Proof that I am really just a 5 year old masquerading as an adult:
Fruit snacks are an acceptable breakfast food.
I still mix up chocolate milk with Hershey’s syrup on a regular basis. My syrup-to-milk ratio is a thing of beauty. Hint: it’s heavy on the chocolate.
I love fairytales – old classics, or re-tellings with a twist. Or just anything with faeries. Or magic.
If there is a dish of free candy at a restaurant or doctor’s office, I will take a piece with no shame.
I still love playing dress-up (though it’s mostly within the confines of my normal clothes, unless it’s Halloween).
I’m eating Twizzlers right now.
I still hate going to the dentist even if everything is fine, teeth-wise.
Two words: bubble baths.
Packages in the mail, wrapped presents, and dessert are occasions for glee.
I am easily distracted (tempted) by pretty, shiny things.
I own an absurd (and awesome!) amount of fuzzy socks.
Sometimes I skip or dance around the house for no reason other than I feel like it.
I randomly make up silly nonsense-word songs, describing whatever I’m doing at that moment. I like to think the puppy is a receptive audience.
I taught the puppy to high-five instead of shake.
I still like staying up way too late to read a good book, something I frequently got in trouble for on school nights when younger.
Let’s just say it hasn’t been all that long since I’ve had ABC Spaghettios with meatballs.