Business Spotlight: reFORM Studios

I had planned on reserving my business spotlight features for local Austin businesses, but I’ll make an exception for this one. Meet reFORM Studios, a personal training business in Charleston, South Carolina. It’s owned by none other than my big sis, Katrina, who is also one of the trainers. 🙂

Big sister looking intimidating. In real life she's nice & cool & funny, promise.



From the website (since they explain themselves better than I could):

“reFORM Studios Personal Training is a collaborative group of personal trainers based out of North Charleston, SC that work towards the ultimate goal of helping clients completely reform their bodies, health, and lifestyle. At reFORM Studios we approach each client as an individual, with specific needs, goals, and dreams. Our programs are comprehensive, addressing lifestyle concerns, time management, emotional pitfalls, and workout habits outside the scope of a private training session. We believe a holistic approach is the best for not only achieving goals but maintaining them long term. Our programs include nutritional advice as well as lifestyle tips to balance the work we put into our resistance training sessions.”

Each of the trainers has several years of experience and is certified. They do everything from private personal training to bootcamps to nutritional counseling. They’ve been in business together as reFORM since March of this year, helping clients in their homes or outside in parks while they searched and searched for a space to call home. They finally got that space last week, and can’t wait to turn it into a place to bring together a healthy community and form a venue for events designed to promote lifestyle change. But it definitely needs some work before their dream of being a fitness studio that is more that just a place to work out becomes a reality.

So, they’ve started a Kickstarter-like thing over at indiegogo to raise some funds. The money they raise will go to things like cosmetic changes (paint, mirrors, signage, etc.), event functionality (seating, a speaker system for both music for workouts and events, etc.) and of course a wider variety of workout equipment to work with groups and supplement what they already have. The goal is $10,000, but any amount helps. They’ve got some great perks lined up for everyone who donates, from a workout mix tape to a healthy recipe collection to private workout sessions if you’re local. You can find out more about their vision for reFORM on their indiegogo page (there’s even a fun video!).

Since this is a shameless plug to help support my sister in her very worthwhile goal, if you have $10 to spare please consider donating. 🙂 And if you’re local to the Charleston area and looking for a fabulous crew of ladies to help you get fit and healthy, definitely check them out.


Hi, I’m Amanda!

I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.

Thanks for stopping by!

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