Most of these ladies got a mini-introduction yesterday as part of the giveaway, but read below to meet all of my medium sponsors from July. They are a cool bunch, and I couldn’t be happier to have them hanging out in my sidebar. 🙂 Go get to know them! And if you’d like to secure your own spot in the cool club for next month, head on over to my sponsor page for info & purchasing.
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Hi! I’m Melissa and I’m a wife {to Brandon}, a mommy {to Holland, Berkli and Zeke}. I’m silly and I’m kinda hippy. I say random things, I have a tendency to be scatterbrained, but in a good way. My faith determines every choice I make, personally, publicly, politically, you name it. What you will find on Pineapple Lily is fashion, family, booze, and funny stories every now and then. I don’t write a lot so feel free to just come by and stalk my photos.
Recommend a book you love:
Well, I would if I actually had time to read. Three kids and blogging keep me busy.
What do you think is the best comfort food for a crappy day?
Well, I try to avoid crappy days as much as possible, but I guess they are inevitable. If I have to drown my sorrows in food it would be homemade bread smothered in butter. Yes please.
Describe your favorite wall decoration in your house:
Hmmm…yeah, that’s a hard question to answer. See, our home is a work in progress. Currently our wall decor is to a minimum because we are painting still. {Ironically we have lived in this house for 5 years. But that’s a long story}

Melissa applying her current favorite wall decoration – paint!
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Hello Readers! I am Amber over at Most What Matters. When I sit down to write a little about myself I cannot help but think first about my boys. All of them. I am a mother of two sweet boys, well mostly sweet boys, so far. I am madly in love with my husband and I have been under his spell since the day we met. I am the eldest daughter of my 6 siblings, which shaped my personality quite some bit. The bonds that our family has, cannot be broken. We have developed such a love that I yearn to witness in my children. Of course we are not perfect, not yet anyway. I began blogging to keep a record of my life, a journal of sorts. Over time, I realized how much I enjoyed blogging to review my life and learning! I write about the things that matter the most! What matters to you?
Recommend a book you love:
The Book of Mormon. It has changed my life. I love to read stories of old and this book has taught me more than any other book I have read.
What do you think is the best comfort food for a crappy day?
Chocolate! York Peppermint Patties or Blue Bell Chocolate Ice Cream! Mmmmm. There is always Dairy Queen cones right down the street.
Describe your favorite wall decoration in your house:
My favorite wall decoration is a canvas print of an oak tree. When I analyze what makes me love this canvas. I think about where I was when I bought it, who I was with, the store I was in. I contemplate the meaning of all of the branches that reach out for the sun with simple leaves on each end, like a family tree and my genealogy.
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Hey there! I’m Kristina, originally from the midwest but found a love for Colorado, and then found the love of my life in Colorado which pushed me to move to Colorado in 2006. I live here with my husband Ryan, and our small zoo of fur-babies – 5 to be exact – 3 cats, and 2 dogs. We are expecting our first little one in November, and we are ecstatic. I love fishing, hiking, camping, as well as, drag races and demolition derbies. I have been blogging since 2007 for myself but learned what the blogging community was all about in 2010, and fell even more in love with it. I blog about everything from general life stuff, to recipes, DIY and more. I also have a new feature on the blog called the “A List” where I list small businesses that I have used their products and would recommend them to anyone. I love small business and promoting small business. Which brings me to my shop! The Shop is filled with everything from prints, design, all natural lip balms, ladder ribbon necklaces, custom pieces I’ve painted and our best sellers – the Smelly Jelly Air Fresheners.
Recommend a book you love:
Right now I am reading Bloom by Kelle Hampton, and I’m absolutely in love with it! I also love Captivating by John & Staci Eldridge
What do you think is the best comfort food for a crappy day?
Tough one! I’m not really a food-go-to kind of person on a bad day….but I’d have to say…either Spicy Pickle (it’s a restaurant), or an awesome Chicken Taco Salad.
Describe your favorite wall decoration in your house:

Kristina’s favorite wall in her house.
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Also check out her
Crème Brûlée Cupcake recipe guest post.
Hi all, my name is Keely and I blog at Hairbows and Butter. I am a 20something who recently graduated college and is trying to figure out how to be a grown up. I have a passion for baking (usually either cupcakes or brunch) and I love to share that with you. Stop by for cupcake and brunch recipes anytime! You might find some other stuff scattered in there every now again. I also like to share life with you, I love to find the beauty in the mundane and the find a smile in the sadness. I hope you come and visit, I would love to have you!
Recommend a book you love:
My favorite author is Donald Miller and I love his most recent book called A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It’s about living a story and not just living life to get by. Check it out!
What do you think is the best comfort food for a crappy day?
If I’m having a crappy day I usually just want some ice cream. It’s always so yummy, even on the coldest days! I just can’t help it. One of my good guy friends has a theory that goes something like “most girls like chocolate, but all girls LOVE ice cream.” Every time he says this I follow it with a “I LOVE ice cream” thus proving his point. Feeling sad (or happy, or mad, or disappointed, etc.) have some ice cream!
Describe your favorite wall decoration in your house:
My roommate and I just hung up these gerber daisy decals. They are right outside both of our bedroom doors so it’s a great thing to see on our way out in the morning. They’re so happy!

Keely’s daisy decals.