Oh, hai!
I went to my closet today with a mission. What hadn’t I worn in while? What hadn’t I figured out how to wear yet? Answer: a) my black jeans and this tank both, and b) this turquoise crochet top. And somehow they all work together. Color me surprised, but I kind of love how this look turned out. Today has just been work, and lunch with Ian, and errands, and this was fine for all of those.
This week Ian is on his weird late shift schedule again, which means I have my evenings free. There’s been a lot of TV watching and reading and Sims 3 playing and puppy walking. A friend came over yesterday to hang out for a bit, and then tomorrow I’m going to a Fiona Apple concert with a different friend – yay! So never fear that I’m lacking in things to do just because Ian isn’t around in the evenings! That said, I will be glad when it’s back to normal next week, and his free time doesn’t conflict with my work hours (and vice versa).
How’s your week going?

Always something interesting on the ground.

I need theme music.

Hair adjustment.

Peekaboo at the tank underneath.

The details.
Colors: Turquoise, Black, Tan, White
Crochet Top: Clothes swap. Isn’t it great?
Tank: Not entirely sure, possibly from Macy’s a long time ago? Tan with black floral print and tan lace trim.
Jeans: Black straight-leg jeans by Just Fabulous
Shoes: White thong sandals by Colin Stuart, from Victoria’s Secret. Yes, again. What can I say, I love these shoes!
Necklace: Have owned forever, do not remember origins
Ring: From street vendor in NYC
Shades: Same pair as always, think I got them at Target way back when. Cheapies.
Linking up with The Pleated Poppy, Two Thirty-Five Designs, and Transatlantic Blonde.