Today I’m turning over the blog to one of my wonderful sponsors this month, Kassi! Her and her sister blog over at Truly Lovely, and today she’s sharing a perfect-for-fall treat. Read on, and then go say hi over at her place or on Twitter!
Hi there! I’m Kassi and I am thrilled to be here guest posting for the lovely Amanda! That’s me on the right.

Kayli, on the left, is my sister and together we blog at Truly Lovely. On any given day you might find a craft tutorial, a recipe, a random story… On Fridays you’ll find our Fancy This Fridays link up where you can show off what YOU’ve been up to. On Mondays we feature our favorites from the recent Friday’s link up. Other than that we can be fairly unpredictable… and we like it that way. We’re not predictable people so why write a predictable blog… 😉
Now, on to why I’m here! I have yummy treat to share with you! I tend to believe that it’s not really Fall until you’ve had a caramel apple…. I know that’s not true realistically speaking, but stay with me here!

Caramel apples are the perfect fall treat! Apples are in season, they only require a few ingredients and are fairly easy to make. They’re also absolutely delicious!!! Bonus – they seem to have a higher perceived value in that they are a rare treat… So if you make your own batch of caramel apples you’re sure to impress your friends and family!

Ingredients needed for Caramel Apples:
- 10-12 apples – I prefer Granny Smith apples because they’ll create more of sour/sweet combo
- 2 bags of Caramel Bits (Bits = no unwrapping of caramels for hours!)
- Pop sticks of some kind (I used skewers cut down to the size I wanted)
- Toppings! Candy corn, salt (for salted caramel), Reese’s Pieces, M&Ms… Sky’s the limit here!
First, thoroughly clean and then stick your apples with your sticks/skewers.

Prepare your apple tray before starting. (It’s just easier that way!) You’ll want a large plate/tray/cookie sheet to put the apples on once you’ve dipped them in the caramel. It’s a good idea to cover it in parchment paper AND then spray the paper with cooking spray. You’ll thank me for that step later….
To melt the caramels, there’s simple instructions on the bag itself, but you’ll just need a saucepan and a few tablespoons of water. After that all it takes is time. Make sure to stir the caramel the entire time it’s melting. Otherwise it will start sticking to the bottom of your pan and burn.
Now because it’s completely impossible to dip the apples in the caramel AND take a photo by yourself… we’ll skip on to this one… 😉

As you dip each apple into the melted caramel you’ll want to let the excess drip off, scrape the bottom just a bit (so they’ll stand up easier) and then roll them in any preferred toppings. You can see I crushed up some candy corns for a few, sprinkled salt on a few and left some plain. Then stand them up on your (already prepared) apple plate! If your caramel starts to harden or becomes less easy to work with, just heat it back up for a few seconds on the stove top.
Stick your caramel-ed apples in the fridge for at least an hour. (This allows the caramel to set so it’s not a complete gooey mess!)

Now you can impress your friends with a sweet Fall treat! {BTW: They don’t stick thanks to the parchment AND the cooking spray! You’re welcome!}
Thanks for hanging out with me today lovelies! And thanks to Amanda for sharing her space! Hope you’ll stop by Truly Lovely sometime and say hello!
Happy Fall!!!

Thanks Kassi! I have never tried to make caramel apples before, but now I really want to. They look so yummy! For me, the not-fall-until-I’ve-had-this treat is spiced apple cider. How about you guys?