1. I had grand plans to be super productive in the internet world today (work and blog and shop stuff), and then I had my annual eye doctor appointment. I wear contacts, in case you didn’t know. And today’s exam included a pupil dilation, which takes a few hours to wear off. Pupil dilation = making pupils really big so doc can shine a light through and look at the back of your eye. So everything is really bright right now, and it’s hard to focus on the screen long enough to type out this post. Visual aid:

Thin ring of hazel, HUGE pupil. Just call me anime eyes.
It’s a bit uncomfortable, and I’m not sure how I can do any design work until it goes away. Excuse for extra long lunch break? I think so.
2. I tried out Google Hangouts for the first time last night, for the blogger book club. It was the first time I’d interacted with any of these bloggers in non-Twitter-or-email format. 🙂 Quite fun! The review of our book for this month will be up next week.
3. I’ve been putting together more mood/color boards on Pinterest, and have discovered something: the general populace (as represented on Pinterest) is a little bit clueless about the proper names for certain color shades. And it kind of drives me batty. Some of the things being labeled as turquoise or fuchsia or indigo are very clearly NOT those colors. Maybe it’s the designer in me, but I think there’s a clear difference between a pale mint green and a bright turquoise, or a wine red and a purple. Bah. Crazy-making, I tell you. Oh, and the aforementioned color boards are here: Red, Yellow, Blue, and Purple so far.
4. In discussing the fall festival that Ian’s workplace (Samsung) is throwing this weekend, I asked him if I should dress as a pumpkin. His response: “I see you as more of a squash. I know pumpkin is sort of a squash, but you’re a slender squash. A nice shapely squash. And not one of those with junk in the trunk.” True story. Lol.
5. I realized I haven’t posted a new recipe in awhile (aside from guest post recipes), and I feel a bit bad about that. But the truth is we just haven’t been as adventurous in cooking lately. Ian’s been working really long days, and I’ve had some financial stress, and when those happen we tend to fall back on easy-to-make, tried-and-true favorites rather than attempting new recipes. I’m hoping November brings a turn-about, because I miss it. And I really want to cook up some soups and stews now that weather is turning colder (in the 50’s today, down from in the 80’s yesterday – brr!).
How are all of you?