Linking up with Neely for Sunday Social.
What is your favorite Holiday season tradition?
Gift giving! I love picking out gifts for other people. And also holiday baking with my mom (though this year I’ll be doing it on my own).
Do you have a certain Holiday movie you watch more than others? If so what is it?
Yes! White Christmas. Every year without fail.
Show us your favorite decoration or pinterest decoration you wish you could have:

These are my favorite ornaments. Simple, just shiny tin twisted into icicle shapes. I used to love hanging these on the tree whenever we decorated the tree at my mom’s house. Then when I had a Christmas tree of my own for the first time here in this house with Ian, one of her Christmas presents to me was a big set of these. Love them. ๐
Favorite Holiday song?
A like a nice croon-y version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. And also Carol of the Bells.
Favorite Holiday dessert?
I have a pretty strong sweet tooth, so this is hard, but I’m going to have to go with my mom’s date balls (recipe potentially coming later this month, as I will be attempting to make them myself). Imagine gooey goodness of dates and butter and sugar and rice krispies, rolled in crushed walnuts. They don’t look/sound like much, but they are delicious. I don’t know if they’re generally considered a holiday treat, but they definitely are in our family.
What is on your wish list this year?
A dress form for sewing projects, a certain purse, a new hair dryer, a Wacom tablet, gift cards to various places… Ian taking me ring shopping, haha.
How about you, reader folk? ๐