This week’s list of read-worthy things. If you’re looking for Tuesday 10, just scroll down.
- Good advice from Sarah on How to Befriend Bloggers.
- How 19-year-old activist Zack Kopplin is making life hell for Louisiana’s creationists. Go Zack! I can’t even say how much it disturbs me that creationism is creeping into public schools. That is not science, and that is not separation of church and state.
- 7 Things Everyone Thinks But No One Says.
- 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex. In case you needed more reasons to get it on. Also related: Want to Prevent Colds? Have Sex Weekly
- 15 Things You Can Do To Be Your Best Self Today.
- I don’t have a real opinion on this yet since I am not a mom, but I found this an interesting read: Is mommy blogging a vital support system or a virtual overshare?
- The Blessings of Atheism. “Atheists do not want to deny religious believers the comfort of their faith. We do want our fellow citizens to respect our deeply held conviction that the absence of an afterlife lends a greater, not a lesser, moral importance to our actions on earth.”
- What Happened to Downtime? The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space.
- Chasing The Gleam. If the 1st thing you do in the morning isn’t 100% for you, then the rest of your day will be spent likewise.
- 10 Reasons To Travel This Year.
- If you follow the advice of the above link and find yourself in Paris, you may be interested in this: Paris Man Has Had a Dinner Party for 60 Strangers Every Sunday for 34 Years. This is so cool, to me. I would go.
Things of Note:

Along with the list of readables above, I thought I’d join in with Lena’s Tuesday 10. The theme this week is Things You Still Hand-write. Here is my list:

And in case you can’t read my handwriting:
- To-do lists
- Grocery lists
- Blog post planning
- Shop planning
- Christmas card recipient list
- Christmas gift ideas by person
- Notes from client meetings/phone calls
- Checks
- Recipe cards for my recipe box
- Poetry in my writing journal
How about you? Are you a write-by-hand or everything-typed person?