Right now, I am…
doing laundry. Glamourous life over here. 🙂
happy that some paychecks came in today.
wondering why I no longer receive text notifications about stuff being in my PO box.
looking forward to the comedy show we’re going to tonight, and a friend’s all-day birthday extravaganza tomorrow. 😀
one day into a 30-day squat challenge. 50 was no problem. 250 by the end? Yeesh, we’ll see.
excited that we’ve narrowed in on some plans for vacation later this summer, especially since it involves the beach.
about to call my mom for our weekly Friday evening catch-up chat.
watching Sienna barrel crawl across my office.
waiting for Ian to get home so we can have dinner.
drinking water. I’ve been better about this lately.
trying to decide what color to paint my toenails. Last color was a lightish purple.
waiting for a project to dry on my craft table so I can finish it up, get the honking thing off of there, and get back to screen printing.
loving the Brookside dark chocolate pomegranate sample that came with a package today.
What are you up to this weekend?