1. We head to Port Aransas and the beach tomorrow! And I’m super excited. Except… I made the mistake of checking the weather forecast:

Boo!! I’m hoping those chance of rain percentages go down or are wrong and really mean 0. Because a beach vacation where it rains the whole time was not what I had in mind. I guess I’ll pack extra books just in case.
2. I finally did a big photoshoot and should be adding new listings to the shop today. Mostly paper prints, but a few new made-to-order shirt options, too. I’m also still printing away. Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the listings coming soon:

3. Ian actually *turned off his work pager* Saturday morning!! This is a rare and treasured occurrence. It’s the mark of an official vacation. 🙂
4. I had my first run-in with fire ants yesterday. It was the opposite of fun. Luckily it was confined to just one foot.
5. Jamie hosted a wonderful blogger potluck brunch over the weekend, and it was a lot of fun! Met some new fun ladies and ate lots of tasty things. We were all pretty much too busy eating and talking to take many pictures, though – blogger fail.
And now, I’m off to pack and print and list, then to the beach tomorrow! The next few days will be scheduled posts. I’m not even taking a computer with me! So I’ll catch you all when I get back. Well, I’ll have my iPhone, so I’ll probably pop in on Twitter and such.
Have a good week!