- Gut feelings: the future of psychiatry may be inside your stomach.
- Measles Outbreak Traces To Vaccine-Refusing Megachurch. Well, duh. This is what happens when you ignorantly refuse vaccines.
- What I Won’t Tell You About My Ballet Dancing Son
- Are you going to take part in Blogtember?
- No More Chick Lit.
- The three critics in your head while you work, and how to silence them.
- How cool culture co-opted geek culture.
- Love Me, Love My Instagrammed Oatmeal.
- justdelete.me – A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.
- 25 Diptychs of Hot Guys and Cats Striking Similar Poses. Exactly that, and hilarious.
Things of Note:
When I go to the front-end of this site, seeing the new design still surprises me. I had the other/old one for so long, my brain just expects to see it. It’s like I don’t even know my own site anymore! Haha. In all seriousness, though, still loving the new look. 🙂
I had a nice relaxing weekend, and then last night got to hang out with some fellow blog ladies over a laid back coffee gathering. This week is super slow, work-wise, so I’m tinkering and tweaking this place, and also revamping the content of my freelance site. It’s nice to have time to finally get around to the stuff that’s been stewing in my head/on my to-do list for awhile. 🙂
Other than that, the only real plans this week are to go see The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones by myself on lunch break some day (the boy has zero interest), and then go to BASHH on Thursday. Any fellow Austinites headed to that?
What have you got planned for this last week of August?