Sienna does not think taking photos of her is a productive use of my time.

What I spent yesterday doing – cutting all of the the cardstock backings for packaging my prints.

Bare bones booth setup practice for this weekend’s craft show.
Taking a page from Pip’s book and using this list to do a life snapshot.
Making : a few more prints for this weekend’s craft show.
Cooking : nothing at the moment. Will probably have leftovers for lunch (spaghetti).
Drinking : water.
Reading: The Furies by Mark Alpert.
Wanting: to do too many things at once.
Looking: at the computer screen, out the window, and occasionally at the pup at my feet.
Playing: I was playing Two Dots, but I beat all of the levels. I need a new iPhone game now.
Deciding: what to tackle next after I finish this post.
Wishing: that my shop would really take off so Ian can quit his job at Samsung with ridiculous hours and go into business with me. 😀
Enjoying: all of the recent sunshine.
Waiting: for the mailman.
Liking: that I’ve been able to keep things relatively organized lately, since our big house cleaning.
Wondering: whether I’ll actually sell enough to make my money back at the craft show.
Loving: that we had an awesome 5 year anniversary day on Saturday. Lots of good eats were had.
Pondering: whether to apply for the Blue Genie Art Bazaar.
Considering: when to schedule this month’s ladies coffee meetup.
Watching: season 3 of Scandal. I am sick of this Fitz-Olivia nonsense. I didn’t find their ‘love’ story believable from the start.
Hoping: that my web-related projects go smoothly today.
Marvelling: at how quickly 5 years with Ian has gone by.
Needing: to still bag and tag all of the prints for the show.
Smelling: my shampoo/conditioner scent, as my hair is still wet.
Wearing: a striped dress and belt.
Following: a more steady routine (as far as sleeping, eating, working) lately.
Noticing: that I need to trim my nails.
Knowing: that I have to run to the grocery store and library today.
Thinking: that I need to do laundry.
Admiring: people who do craft shows regularly. It’s a lot of work and investment!
Sorting: through prints to figure out what will go where in the booth display.
Buying: groceries later.
Getting: excited about the next vacation we’re planning – looks like a cruise to the Bahamas in May!
Bookmarking: things for this week’s Tuesday Treasure Trove.
Disliking: waiting for paychecks.
Opening: Dreamweaver and a different WordPress site.
Giggling: snarky posts on Twitter.
Feeling: pretty good today.
What’s your day look like so far?