5 Things Friday

5 Things Friday

1. The puppy is high maintenance for the next two week. She got herself an ear infection, and also apparently dogs get seasonal allergies just like humans do. So we have an ear cream, a special shampoo, prescription pills and Benedryl. And most of those have to be attended to twice a day. Yeah. Fun times over here. Sienna is not loving it. I keep telling her she’ll love it after her ear and itchies are all better. She remains unconvinced.

2. She is not the only one who has had an un-fun doctor appointment this week. I had my annual lady check-up this week, and the doctor uttered the words no one ever wants to hear: “I feel something weird.” Cue more people poking at me and having to wait for an ultrasound to see just what that something was. Scariest 2 hours in my recent history. Luckily it’s nothing bad, just a harmless cyst that has decided to hang out for awhile. But this was the same day as all of the puppy news, so after that I was Done. I bought wine, cake, and salty snacks, and camped out on the couch with Netflix the rest of the day.

3. We’re making crepes tomorrow, and I’m a little annoyed that the boy is better at using our crepe pan than I am, seeing as it’s my family that has a crepe tradition. I may need to get in some covert practice.

4. This week has been mostly rain and clouds, and while we needed the rain, I’m over it. Give me back my sun. Clouds make me tired all day.

5. We will be spending the weekend before my birthday next month in San Antonio, and I’m looking for suggestions for things to do. Any ideas?

How was your week? Any plans for the weekend?


Hi, I’m Amanda!

I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.

Thanks for stopping by!

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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
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