The pic of Sienna that Ian sent me while I was gone.

Delicious smoothies we had almost daily at my mom’s, recipe coming to the blog soon!

Lots of construction going on at my mom’s house, but check out the awesome new deck!
Making: my way through 2 weeks worth of emails.
Cooking: something for dinner tonight, no idea what yet as I need to go to the store first.
Drinking: my morning cappuccino.
Reading: emails. I finished the book I was reading last night.
Wanting: a week of vacation to recover from my trip, haha.
Looking: at my poor desk plant that was neglected while I was gone.
Playing: with Sienna, who I missed terribly.
Deciding: more wedding stuff, little details.
Wishing: to win the lottery even though I don’t play.
Enjoying: Texas warmth and sunshine.
Waiting: for paychecks.
Liking: that a new client actually did the homework I gave her before our meeting tomorrow.
Wondering: how much chocolate is too much chocolate.
Loving: being back on my own computer instead of doing everything on my phone or my mom’s ancient laptop.
Pondering: if my car will start without problems after sitting for 2 weeks outside.
Considering: what to wear today, as I still need to do laundry from my trip.
Watching: the new Netflix show Sense8. We just watched the first ep last night. Might take a few to get into it.
Hoping: Ian actually does decide his final groomsman this week as he’s said he will.
Marvelling: at how amazing our bed feels after 2 weeks away.
Needing: breakfast.
Smelling: nothing in particular at the moment, just normal home smell.
Wearing: PJs.
Following: my normal morning routine.
Noticing: how much clutter I still need to clean out of my office.
Knowing: I can’t lose steam on the wedding stuff or it won’t all get done.
Thinking: about the networking things I’m going to this week: here and here.
Admiring: the ceramic travel mugs from this shop.
Sorting: through actual mail from 2 weeks, not just email.
Buying: groceries later today, and things for the wedding always.
Getting: my to-do list for the week together.
Bookmarking: links for Tuesday Treasure Trove tomorrow.
Disliking: the feeling of overwhelm that is hovering even on my first day back.
Opening: the door to the backyard so Sienna can go out.
Giggling: nope, nothing to giggle at, at the moment.
Feeling: tired but determined. Relieved my mom is doing well with chemo.
How are you doing? What’s new in your world since I’ve been away?