- Cool thing of the week: Rethinking the Way Storage Furniture Opens and Closes.
- The Startup That Designed Its Office to Confuse Workers. Interesting, but seems like unnecessary anxiety.
- The best sales advice I ever got was from a surfer dude.
- Why Advertising Is so Annoying – but doesn’t Have to Be.
- Meet The Man Who Helps Hollywood Stay Sober.
- First Measles Death in US Since 2003. If you wondered what happens when measles infects unvaccinated people and travels with them in an untrackable manner, this is the answer: someone dies.
- The Surprisingly Imperfect Science of DNA Testing.
- Colorado’s Effort Against Teenage Pregnancies Is a Startling Success. I’m not sure why anyone finds this ‘startling’ – seems like DUH! to me.
Things of Note:
I’m getting over the last vestiges of a cold here, so not too much news to report. Despite it having been a holiday weekend, not much happened beyond sleeping, watching stuff on TV, reading, and more sleeping. The boy, who was supposed to get a 3-day weekend, in fact got only a 1-day weekend, so that was a bit of a bummer. It was Sienna’s birthday on the 4th, so there doggy-appropriate presents – some new toys, a cushy new dog bed in our room, and some PB&banana snacks. We watched fireworks on the TV and called it a night. Exciting, I know. 🙂
What did you get up to over the weekend?