- If you only read one thing this week, read this: Female Rage Doesn’t Exist In A Vacuum.
- Girly Book Covers and Man Book Clubs
- In Defense of Unlikable Women (characters). “Like it or not, failure of empathy in the face of unlikable women in fiction can often lead to a failure to empathize with women who don’t follow all the rules in real life, too.”
- The End of Empathy.
- Stealing Books in the Age of Self-Publishing. *sigh*
- Why Do the Poor Make Such Poor Decisions? Despite the inflammatory title, a decent article.
- The Families That Can’t Afford Summer.
- Hey America, do accidents happen anymore? Especially when a kid is involved? Some reflections on the Cincinnati Zoo/Harambe fiasco.
- Let’s end on a light note, with the video of the week: the Life of a Lab in 2 minutes.
Things of Note:
You guys. It actually happened. I finally unearthed my craft table from the mountain of wedding stuff and random piles that it’s been living under for basically the past year!!! I can now do fun artsy crafty things again! Like, I dunno, screen printing. You remember that shop I used to have? Yeah. I also want to play around with watercolors and hand-lettering some more.
Of course, I managed to clean my office right before I’ll be leaving town for a week, but hey- it’ll be waiting when I get back.
What did you accomplish over this past weekend?
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