Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove: this week's round-up of read-worthy links


Things of Note:

I haven’t really chimed in via social media on all of the tragedy from last week. I didn’t see the point, to be honest. Tweeting that my thoughts are with those affected doesn’t really do anything, you know? It’s not useful, and I doubt people in Boston or West would get any comfort from a stranger’s 140-character platitude, especially as I’m sure they’re too busy dealing with the aftermath to browse the internet. I think such things make the tweeter feel better more than they do any actual good for the victims. And if that helps you deal with your own grief over events, that’s fine, do what you need to do. That’s just not how I work.

Also, I can’t help feeling that a lot of the outrage over the bombings in Boston has more to do with the fact that someone dared attack the U.S. than solely with the fact that innocent people were killed. Because, let’s be honest: innocent people die in bombings and gunfights almost every day around the world, and you don’t see this level of outrage from Americans for every one of those. To be clear, I’m not saying it wasn’t a tragedy or that anyone deserved anything or that I don’t feel sympathy for those affected. Things like this are always sad, and of course I wish they didn’t happen. And maybe it’s too soon to expect much perspective, especially for those directly affected. I’m removed from events, since I didn’t know anyone attending the marathon, so my grief that it happened doesn’t have a personal edge. But if you think that makes my thoughts here seem callous, let me pose a question: what is your reaction when you hear about a bombing in, say, Afghanistan? Or a car bomb at a French embassy? Or a massive gunfight in Nigeria? Because all 3 of those things also happened in the past week.

I think all senseless acts of violence are deserving of outrage and sadness, not just ones on American soil.

So, that’s what’s been swirling in my head this past week. I’m not looking to have people agree or disagree with me, I’m just putting my two cents out there. Make of it what you will.


Hi, I’m Amanda!

I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.

Thanks for stopping by!

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