Regular readers may remember from back in February that I signed up for a Pinterest Challenge. The goal was to pick 6 project/outfit/recipe/whatever pins and actually DO them instead of just letting them sit there on Pinterest. The aimed-for timeline was 6 weeks, which was last week. And I maybe squeezed in one or two of these this past week, making it technically 7 weeks, but I did get all of them done!
Here were my 6 things:
2 outfits, and 4 projects. If you missed my individual posts about a few of them, here you go:
1. Dining Passport – a project to get us trying new restaurants instead of always the same 3.
2. Copycat Outfit #1 – olive & navy.
3. Copycat Outfit #2 – neutrals party.
And now for a mini-recap on the remaining 3 pins:
4. Homemade Jewelry Cleaner
This was kind of a wash. It really brightened up a few of the rings and the pendant on the one necklace, but didn’t do anything to the other rings and actually made both of the chains worse. Luckily I tested this on older pieces that I don’t really wear, so none of my go-to necklaces were ruined. I’m going to have to find a different DIY jewelry cleaner.
5. Bleach Pen Art T-Shirt
This turned out great! I just took a plain black tee I had laying around in my shop stock, drew on a design with the bleach pen, let it sit, and washed. I love the coppery color the design turned out. I will definitely be doing more of this.
6. Shoe Box & Fabric Wall Art
This may have been the easiest of the bunch, and it was the last one I got around to doing, haha. Seriously too quick: scrap of fabric, shoe box lid, stapler – done. I will be doing more of these as well. 🙂
Overall, this was a lot of fun! I’m glad I signed up. Honestly, the DIY pins didn’t take as much time as I expected once I actually sat down to do each one, so I’m hoping to be a bit more pro-active in doing more of the interesting pins I find.
How about you? Are you good at following up at the things you pin or do you need a Pinterest Challenge to kick you in the butt?