Nifty product of the week: Plantable Pencils. Grow an herb when you're done writing. America is no-vacation nation. "The US is the only developed economy without legally mandated vacations and it’s costing us more than just money... People who do not take vacations...
Bits & Pieces
1. The quasi-in-laws are in town, which means last week's cleaning frenzy has been followed by lots of cooking, eating out, watching movies/TV, and checking out Austin things like Torchy's Tacos and the new aquarium - which is not great, but not terrible. It has lots...
Master Bedroom Makeover
I've been talking about painting rooms in the house for a few weeks now. I got sidelined for a little bit with my back being hurt, but this past week I finished up all of the little touches in the master suite. And today, I'm showing you our transformed master...
Book Review: Dear Mr. Knightley
Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay As you might guess from the title, this is another dip into Austen-inspired fiction. It is the story of Samantha Moore, a survivor of the Chicago foster system, who has found solace and protection by hiding behind her favorite...
What I Wore: White Pants Copycat
That's me being a copycat on the left, and my inspiration on the left (original pin here). As part of my second Pinterest Challenge, I picked two outfits that I wanted to try my hand at recreating, and this is the first one I've tackled. I had pretty much the exact...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Photo series of the week: Stardust. Beautiful but NSFW. Illustration series of the week: If super heroes competed in the Olympics. Sculpture series of the week: Shadow Sculptures. Google Admits Google+ Was Just A Ploy To Track Your Behavior Online. Arranging Your...
Get Your Irish On
Exactly a month from today, St. Patrick's Day will be upon us. If you're in search of decor for yourself or your home, I've got you covered. Check out some of the oh-so-Irish-colored four-leaf clover products I have in the shop: Clockwise from top left: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4...
Right Now
Right now, I am... still in PJs. about to dive into an intense writing frenzy to finish up my entry for the first round of the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge. I'd like to finish it early today, so that tonight and tomorrow I can spend time with Ian. so glad that...
Book Review: Burning Paradise
Burning Paradise by Robert Charles Wilson What if humanity had been at peace since World War I? What if we found out that was due to an alien entity subtly altering communication to achieve more peaceful outcomes? Is its interference really a bad thing? What does it...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Cool thing of the week: This 16th Century Book Can Be Read Six Different Ways. My personal Fox News nightmare: Inside a month of self-induced torture. What happens when you watch 3 hours of Fox everyday as your only source of news. Sadly they are not the only major...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!