Recipe: Dump Cake
A few Christmases ago, my mom got me a new recipe box complete with a bunch of blank recipe cards. As an added bonus I got to go through her recipe box and my grandma’s to steal all of their best recipes. I came across one that I didn’t remember ever eating before, but the name intrigued me. Dump Cake. Don’t let the name throw you. It’s called this not because it’s trashy or garbage, but because it’s the easiest dessert you will ever make. You literally just dump the ingredients in the cake pan and bake. No beating, no long prep time, no extra dishes. In other words, pure genius deliciousness. It turns out more like a cobbler/crumble than a cake, but I’m not arguing semantics. It’s tasty whatever it’s called.
Dump Cake
- 1 can cherry pie filling
- 1 can crushed pineapple
- 1 box yellow cake mix
- 1 stick of butter
- Optional: shredded coconut or small pecan pieces (I opted no for these pictures)
The recipe I copied from my mom/grandma called for cherry and pineapple, but I imagine you could substitute other fruits if you prefer. I’m going to try some kind of berry combo next time I make this.
- Grease a 9″ x 13″ pan. Preheat oven to 325∘F.
- Layer ingredients in pan, in order listed. Mix together the cherries and pineapples before adding the cake mix if you like/prefer.
- For the butter, cut into thin slices and distribute evenly over the surface.
- Bake for 1 hour. Top should be nice and golden brown.
- Enjoy! Serve with ice cream or whip cream if desired. Refrigerate leftovers. It is best served warm/fresh, but also great reheated for later dessert or cold as a breakfast.
What’s the easiest thing you’ve ever baked?
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