All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai. Tom lives a aimless, drifting life in 2016. Except it's not our 2016, it's the 2016 that would exist if humans had discovered unlimited clean energy decades ago. In other words: the sci-fi future we've dreamed of since the 1950's,...
Book Review: Gilded Cage
Gilded Cage (Dark Gifts #1) by Vic James. In this alternate England, magically-gifted aristocrats (Equals) rule the land, while ungifted commoners must serve 10 years as slaves. When in their life they serve those 10 years is up to them, but serve it they must. Not...
Book Review: The House of Shattered Wings
The House of Shattered Wings (Dominion of the Fallen #1) by Aliette de Bodard. The House of Shattered Wings is a story of fallen angels, strange magic, warring houses, and the ever-shifting balance of power between them. A great war has left the world in ruins. In...
Book Review: Sorcerer to the Crown
Sorcerer to the Crown (Sorcerer Royal, #1) by Zen Cho. What do you get if you mix 1 part Jane Austen style, 1 part historical fiction, 1 part mystery, a whole lot of magic, and a dash of playful absurdity à la Gail Carriger? This fun book. Sorcerer to the Crown tells...
Book Review: Written in Red
Written in Red by Anne Bishop I've been a long-time fan of Anne Bishop (loved her Ephemera series, and her Black Jewels series is also great). But somehow I missed that book one of her new series came out last year, and only just got around to reading it. It's adult...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!