Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay This was the first time I'd read this author even though I'd seen his books on shelves for years, and now I'm wondering why I waited to so long to give him a chance. This was a quality fantasy read. A intricate, interwoven plotline; complex...
July Book Club Review
Earlier this month, I stumbled upon The Book Club run by MK, Kaylee, and Aubrey. Each month the members vote on a book to read, read the book, and then post up a review about it on the last Friday of the month. I thought this sounded like a fun idea, so I joined up....
Recapturing Childhood
Awhile back I did a stint at a local elementary school as a Reading Buddy - helping a kid who has trouble reading learn to read more/better through one-on-one storytime sessions. As the end of the 'semester' drew near, I wanted to get her a book that she could keep...
Book Review: Bond Girl
Bond Girl by Erin Duffy No, not that kind of Bond girl. Bonds as in stocks and bonds, as in Wall Street. This, while a work of fiction, is what I'm afraid might be an accurate and disturbing picture of the goings-on at our financial powerhouses. It's the story of...
Book Review: The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald With previews for the movie version popping up every other commercial break, I figured it was time I got around to reading this book. It was available at the library, and a blessedly quick read. 'Blessedly' because I simply did...
Friday Favorites: First Lines of Books
So I stumbled across this list of 100 Best First Lines of Novels awhile back, and it got me to thinking about some of the best first lines of books that I've come across. So I decided to do a little review of my own favorite first lines (though I fudged just a bit,...
Book Review: The Language of Flowers
The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh I'd heard some buzz about this book on Twitter a few months ago, so when I found myself in the airport in need of something to read, I picked this up. And I'm so glad I did. The book is told from the point of view of...
Tuesday 10: Recommended Reads
This week I am co-hosting the Tuesday 10 with Lena! Our topic this week is Top 10 Recommended Reads/Favorite Books. I had a really hard time narrowing down my list, so I tried to think of it as not just what my favorite books to read are, but what books I would like...
Friday Favorites: Fantasy Badasses
I've been scrutinizing characters that I love lately, in order to improve my own writing. It's made me realize that all of the fantasy characters whose series I'm addicted to are pretty bad-ass. I mean, they kind of have to be to survive in their worlds long enough to...
Bring on the Bookworm
I've made no secret of the fact that I am a bookworm, but I haven't really talked much about books and reading and writing here, because I had another blog where those kinds of things were talked about. This is going to change. I'm going to be integrating the bookish...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!