December Etsy Round-Up

December Etsy Round-Up

December makes me think of one thing: Christmas, Christmas, and more Christmas. (We're not much for the whole ice and snow thing here in Austin). So this month's Etsy treasuries are all about that. The first is about Christmas colors, red and green. The second is a...

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July Etsy Finds

July Etsy Finds

Two themed Etsy treasuries for you again this month, take a gander: SeventhFor the 7th month of the year. Number Seven Print Vintage Style Sports Decor Birthday Decor Coastal Beach Decor Surf Decor Baby Nursery Beach Nursery Decor Kids Room DecorMangoSeed$20.00Lucky 7...

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June Etsy Round-Up

June Etsy Round-Up

The first Etsy collection I have for your this month is one that reminds me of summer. When I think of summer, I think of lemonade, blue skies, grass, and the outdoors, even though I live in the city. So this collection is color-themed on those points, with an urban...

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May Etsy Round-Up

May Etsy Round-Up

May is named for the Greek goddess Maia, eldest of the seven Pleiades and mother of Hermes. In Greek, Maia also means midwife. In Roman mythology, Maia is associated with growth and fertility. So this month's round-up of Etsy finds celebrates all of those, in pretty...

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April Etsy Round-Ups

April Etsy Round-Ups

Time for pretty things from Etsy! I have two lovely collections again for you this month. And no, they are not Easter-themed (I'm so sick of seeing bunnies and carrots and eggs everywhere). One is all about April showers (which hopefully bring May flowers) - fitting...

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March Etsy Round-Up

March Etsy Round-Up

Time for another Etsy round-up! I love making treasuries on Etsy, so these posts are always fun to put together. I've got two for you this month, take a look: Martial MarchMarch is named for Mars, the Roman god of war (Ares in the Greek pantheon - not to be confused...

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February Etsy Round-Up

February Etsy Round-Up

Time for fun and beautiful finds this month on Etsy! I've got two round-ups for you this time. One is a tribute to the name of the month, February, which comes from the name of a Roman purification ritual held this time of year. The other is a tribute to the folk art...

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Hi, I’m Amanda!

I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.

Thanks for stopping by!

Currently Reading

The Surviving Sky
Be: A No-Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places
Chillpreneur: The New Rules for Creating Success, Freedom, and Abundance on Your Terms
Thinking, Fast and Slow

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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Amanda has completed her goal of reading 75 books in 2023!

Types of Happenings