Well, hi there! I know, I know... it got quiet on here for a little while. But I'm back! And never fear, books have still been devoured and enjoyed in the mean time. Here's a few noteworthies I've read lately: The Space Between the Stars by Anne Corlett. Humanity has...
Book Review: Dark Matter
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. After being attacked and abducted, physics professor Jason Dessen wakes up in a life that is not his. Or at least, not his life as he remembers it. It's a version of what his life could've been if, say, 15 years ago different decisions had...
Book Review: All Our Wrong Todays
All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai. Tom lives a aimless, drifting life in 2016. Except it's not our 2016, it's the 2016 that would exist if humans had discovered unlimited clean energy decades ago. In other words: the sci-fi future we've dreamed of since the 1950's,...
Book Review: Raven Song
Raven Song (Inoki's Game #1) by I.A. Ashcroft. A century from now, after widespread nuclear war, humanity is clinging to a few select cities, kept safe from radiation by their force field domes. Jackson is a legit businessman and less-legit smuggler, making ends meet...
Book Review: Ninth City Burning
Ninth City Burning by J. Patrick Black. The future of Earth is threatened when an alien race suddenly appears in our skies, wielding a power we have no idea how to combat. Cities disappear, and it looks like the planet will be overrun, when humanity discovers it can...
Book Review: The Fire Sermon
The Fire Sermon (The Fire Sermon, #1) by Francesca Haig. Some time in the future, a nuclear disaster devastates the world. 400 years after that, humanity is still around but has been changed drastically. Every single person is born with a twin. One twin comes out...
Book Review: Steelheart
Steelheart (Reckoners #1) by Brandon Sanderson. I'm a fan of Sanderson's Mistborn books, and his Stormlight Archives series so far. And while I never finished the Wheel of Time series (as of yet), I heard he did good things with it after Robert Jordan's death. So I've...
Book Review: Arena
Arena by Holly Jennings. Arena is the story of Kali Ling, a gamer-gladiator competing in the elite RAGE tournaments. It takes place in the not-too-distant future, where virtual reality games are the latest sports craze. Contestants compete in to-the-death matches,...
Currently Reading
I haven't finished a book I felt could use a full review since my last review, so instead today I'm talking about 3 books I'm currently work my way through. Here's the latest picks from my TBR pile: Arena by Holly Jennings. One of my recent NetGalley grabs. It tells...
Book Review: Time Zero
Time Zero (#1) by Carolyn Cohagan. Time Zero is the first YA novel by Austin author Carolyn Cohagan. It tells the story of Mina, a fifteen year old girl living inside the walls of what was once Manhattan, under the rule of an extremist religious regime. Her world is...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!