In case you missed it at the start of the year, one of the things I've decided to do with my shops this year is donate a portion of all sales to charities or causes that I support. June is host to World Blood Donor Day, World Refugee Day, and the official start of...
Send Me Your Photos
I'm finally doing something I probably should have done as soon as I opened up my shop and had my first sale: a customer photo gallery. Because I love to see how my creations live out in the world! So now, if you send in a high-quality photo of yourself wearing the...
New Digital Prints
You may remember I opened a new digital shop not too long ago. I've been working on filling it up. Right now it's mostly pre-made Etsy shop banners, and design services (including blog tweaks, if you need help). And while I'm still working on my first pre-made blog...
Announcing Dragonflight Digital
This is something I've had on the brain for awhile, and have hinted at here on the blog, but it's finally happened! I've opened a 2nd shop, specializing in design services and digital goods. It's called Dragonflight Digital, and will eventually have WordPress and...
April Shop Charity
In case you missed it at the start of the year, one of the things I've decided to do with the shop this year is donate a portion of all sales to charities or causes that I support. April has a whole bunch of things going on, including World Health Day, Sexual Assault...
Brand New Look
Surprise! The redesign bug bit me hard this weekend, and I've revamped the look of the blog and the shop, complete with new logo. If you're in an RSS reader or on Bloglovin, you may want to click over for the full effect. I'd been increasingly feeling that the old...
New Design: Seahorse
The drawing bug finally hit me again this week, and I've actually got a couple of new designs for the shop sketched out. A few still need tweaking, but this one is ready to go. A seahorse! It's actually based off of a sketch in an old sketchbook of mine, for a...
March Shop Charity
In case you missed it at the start of the year, one of the things I've decided to do with the shop this year is to donate a portion of all sales to charities or causes that I support. March is women's history month, and so to support the cause of women's right, this...
Get Your Irish On
Exactly a month from today, St. Patrick's Day will be upon us. If you're in search of decor for yourself or your home, I've got you covered. Check out some of the oh-so-Irish-colored four-leaf clover products I have in the shop: Clockwise from top left: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4...
February Shop Charity
In case you missed it last month, one of the new things I've decided to do with the shop this year is to donate a portion of all sales to charities or causes that I support. February is a month dedicated to love, and so this month's cause is the Human Rights Campaign....

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!