Highly Illogical Behavior by John Corey Whaley. Three years ago, agoraphobic Solomon had the most massive panic attack of his life while at school. He hasn't left his house since- not even to the backyard. And that's fine with him. It's a controlled environment, he...
Book Review: Time Zero
Time Zero (#1) by Carolyn Cohagan. Time Zero is the first YA novel by Austin author Carolyn Cohagan. It tells the story of Mina, a fifteen year old girl living inside the walls of what was once Manhattan, under the rule of an extremist religious regime. Her world is...
Book Review: Into the Dim
Into the Dim (Into The Dim #1) by Janet B. Taylor. This book caught my attention because it was billed as Outlander for teens. After reading it, I don't think that's an accurate comparison. Into the Dim does have time travel and some Scottish people, but that's where...
Book Review: Thief’s Magic
Thief's Magic (Millennium’s Rule #1) by Trudi Canavan. Thief's Magic starts the tale of two different young people, both suddenly thrust into a world of magic. Tyen is a archaeology student in a steampunk type world, where industrial pursuits are fueled by magic. On...
Book Review: Grave Mercy
Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by Robin LaFevers. If you're looking for a blend of historical fiction, fantasy, intrigue and romance through a young adult filter, this book is for you. It's the story of Ismae, a young girl in late 1400's Brittany. Horribly scarred...
Book Review: The Name of the Star
The Name of the Star (Shades of London #1) by Maureen Johnson. I've followed this author, Maureen Johnson, on Twitter for quite awhile (she actually is one of my favorite Twitter personalities), so I thought it was high time I actually checked out her writing. I...
Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green This is the book I read Tuesday evening instead of nervously watching election results trickle in. Because if I'm going to be emotional I might as well go all the way, you know? The Fault in Our Stars is the story of Hazel, an...
Book Review: Blackbringer
Blackbringer (Dreamdark Book 1) by Laini Taylor I'm a firm believer in the fact that just because something is dubbed as 'teen' or 'young adult' doesn't mean it isn't good, or isn't worthy of my time as a supposed fully grown adult. Blackbringer was further proof of...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!