Scar Night (Deepgate Codex #1) By Alan Campbell I wasn't too impressed with this one. I had high hopes, from the jacket text, but ultimately it was just too disjointed for me. I'm not even sure how to sum it up. There's questions of mortality, the soul, angels,...
Friday Favorites: Belts
I have fairly long legs compared to the size of my waist, so finding jeans or pants that fit right can be a bit of a problem. Generally, if they fit through the thigh and legs and are long enough, they are too big in the waist. What this means is that I end up wearing...
D.I.Y. Simple Home Humidifier
Ever wake up on a winter morning with a sore throat, even though you're perfectly healthy? Well, don't fret - you're likely not sick, just parched. The cold winter weather tends to dry out the air in a lot of homes, mine included. It also dries out my hands, but...
Holiday Special & Custom Orders
Holiday Special In case you didn't already hear through Twitter or Facebook, DD is offering a discount for your holiday shopping! Use coupon code TDAY2011 for 20% off your order from the DD store until Dec. 9. Custom Orders Also, I'm pleased to announce that DD will...
Friday Favorites: Southern Sweet Potato Casserole
This gem of a recipe is from my younger sister, Marisa. She made it at a family Thanksgiving in Michigan years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. This is WAY better than the traditional northern version with marshmallows - blech. It gets rave reviews at any potluck...
Gifts from Korea
My boyfriend FINALLY got back from the latest out-of-country-for-work stint this past weekend. He was in Korea for a whole month! It wasn't quite as bad as last year's trip, even though it was a week longer, because we got to video chat pretty regularly through...
Book Review: India Black
India Black By Carol K. Carr The new fiction shelf at my library turns up some fun things sometimes. This was a fun and quick read. A madame at a brothel in London in 1876 becomes embroiled with one of England's spymasters and matters of national security when a top...
Friday Favorites: Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie
If you didn't already know, one of the things on my 28 Before 28 list is to bake a pie completely from scratch, crust and all. I'm proud to say that this item has officially been crossed off of the list. This past weekend, I baked a strawberry-rhubarb pie, and while...
Next Design: Phoenix
I have FINALLY finished sketching, erasing, tweaking, etc. the next design for DA, and am ready to make the screen. Check out the upcoming phoenix design: EDIT: Ok, I may have announced this prematurely. I woke up the next day, and was not happy with the wings. I...
Latest Treasury: Wood-n’t You Know It
Just wanted to share my latest Etsy treasury, full of wonderful wooden things. Take a look at these goodies! Wood-n't You Know Itby dragonflightapparel Wooden wonders. Rustic Recipe Box Rusticblend $32.00 Wood Sculpture Wall... moderntextures $400.00 tree art...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!