Children of Earth and Sky by Guy Gavriel Kay. What do a pirate, a spy, a painter, a merchant, and a soldier have in common? They are all key characters in this book, and they are all more than they seem. Children of Earth and Sky is a story about intertwined lives and...
Book Review: Six of Crows
Six of Crows (#1) by Leigh Bardugo. My husband asked what this book was about while I was reading it, and for brevity I answered "It's like Ocean's Eleven, but with magic." This is not an inaccurate representation, I think. There's a motley assortment of crooks...
Taking Stock
Taking a page from Pip's book and using this list to do a life snapshot. Making: a new cover for Pride & Prejudice over on my design blog. Cooking: Nothing at the moment. Drinking: Sweet tea. Reading: The Children of Earth & Sky by Guy Gavriel Kay. Wanting: to get a...
Book Review: The Shadow Queen
The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire #1) by C.J. Redwine. Princess Lorelai has a great life- a loving family, a kingdom that dotes on her, budding magical power. Until her mother dies, and her father remarries. Her new stepmother seems charming at first, but is soon revealed...
Recent Reads
Let's kick off the week with some book talk. Here's what I've been reading recently: The Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. This YA series gets a lot of buzz online, so I thought I'd finally pick it up and see what the fuss was about. The world is a mix of future...
How Being an Internet Addict Changed My Life for the Better
I am an admitted internet addict. I laugh in the face of those surveys that ask me to estimate the time I spend online. It'd be easier to estimate the time I spend offline. Admittedly, a lot of that online time is due to work, but still. I am online a LOT. And you...
Book Review: Time Zero
Time Zero (#1) by Carolyn Cohagan. Time Zero is the first YA novel by Austin author Carolyn Cohagan. It tells the story of Mina, a fifteen year old girl living inside the walls of what was once Manhattan, under the rule of an extremist religious regime. Her world is...
Book Review: Stray
Stray (Four Sisters #1) by Elissa Sussman. Princess Aislynn wants nothing more than to follow the Path she was born to: complete her schooling, attend her Introduction Ball, dance with the suitors her advisor and parents have chosen for her, get married, have...
Series Review: Red Rising
Red Rising Red Rising (#1) Golden Son (#2) Morning Star (#3) By Pierce Brown. I'm just going to state up front that this series will be really hard to talk about without spoilers. So please forgive vagueness while I try to convey what I liked, what didn't work, and...
5 Things Friday
A little bit about what’s on my mind this Friday.

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!