Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay As you might guess from the title, this is another dip into Austen-inspired fiction. It is the story of Samantha Moore, a survivor of the Chicago foster system, who has found solace and protection by hiding behind her favorite...
Book Review: Burning Paradise
Burning Paradise by Robert Charles Wilson What if humanity had been at peace since World War I? What if we found out that was due to an alien entity subtly altering communication to achieve more peaceful outcomes? Is its interference really a bad thing? What does it...
Book Review: The Golden City
The Golden City by J. Kathleen Cheney I don't remember where/how I first heard of this book, but I'm glad I did. What an interesting read! It's got bits of so many things: alternate history, fantasy, murder mystery, romance, conspiracy. Merfolk, selkies, and seers are...
Jane Austen Subculture
My obvious affinity for the fantasy genre aside, I have an equally deep (if less obvious) weakness for all things Jane Austen. Her original novels first and foremost, of course. I've read them all, even Lady Susan. Pride & Prejudice will always hold a warm spot in my...
Book Review: The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Real Magic
The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker When I finished this book, I was initially very frustrated- until I realized that this is the first book in a series and not a standalone, despite Goodreads' lack of series qualifier. So be forewarned if...
TBR Pile Challenge
If you've been around the blog awhile, you know that I've been doing the Fifty-Fifty reading and viewing challenge for a few years now. This year, I also came across a different reading challenge that I want to do, and am making it part of my larger challenge. It's...
Book Review: The Art of Racing in the Rain
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein The Art of Racing in the Rain, despite the title, is only incidentally about racing. It's more about life wisdom, as seen through the eyes of Enzo, a philosophical lab mix. Yes, the narrator is a dog. The story follows Enzo...
My Top Reads & Sees of 2013
If you've been following the blog for awhile, you'll have heard me mention the Fifty/Fifty challenge that I do. You can see the full list of all the movies and shows I've watched, and all of the books I've read this year on that page. But awhile back Kara gave me the...
Book Review: Fangirl
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell This is one of my book club's picks for January. To be honest, initially I wasn't too excited about it. A story centering around a girl who writes fan fiction? Meh. I'm not huge on fan fiction in general, mostly because so much of it is badly...
Book Review: Helen & Troy’s Epic Road Quest
Helen & Troy's Epic Road Quest by A. Lee Martinez Helen & Troy's Epic Road Quest is a snarky YA romp through the tropes of mythology, in the form of a road trip across part of western America. I'm a big fan of classic mythologies, so this seemed like it'd be right up...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!