India Black By Carol K. Carr The new fiction shelf at my library turns up some fun things sometimes. This was a fun and quick read. A madame at a brothel in London in 1876 becomes embroiled with one of England's spymasters and matters of national security when a top...
Book Review: Dawnthief
Dawnthief (Chronicles of the Raven, Book 1) By James Barclay You'll note in the above title, and on the book cover itself that this is Book 1 (the first) in a series titled Chronicles of the Raven (the Raven being the mercenary group the series revolves around). So...
Book Review: The Masters of Solitude
The Masters of Solitude By Marvin Kaye and Parke Godwin This was another relic (1978) unearthed on my bookshelves, remnant of a long-ago library sale shopping spree. The Masters of Solitude is a post-apocolyptic story about the divide between the two groups who have...
Book Review: Heartless
Heartless By Anne Elisabeth Stengl Another New Fiction shelves find at the library; luckily, this one was worth the find. This book plugs itself as 'timeless fantasy' which is true. It's a classic prince must rescue the princess from the dragon theme, but with a few...
Series Review: War of the Rose
War of the Rose The Serpent & The Rose; The Golden Rose; The Last Paladin By Kathleen Bryan I enjoyed this series quite a bit. It's got some of your usual fantasy trappings (beautiful noble lady falls in love with common man, knights and magicians and devious...
Friday Favorites: Goodreads Bookswap
This Friday Favorite is a little bittersweet. I have been on Goodreads since July of this year (I know, late to the game) but didn't stumble across the Bookswap they host until a few short weeks ago. And I was hooked. It's an awesome setup. You list books you own...
Book Review: Ice Song
Ice Song By Kirsten Imani Kasai I was very intrigued by this book from the blurb on the back, which prompted me to check it out from the library. And then it was nothing like what the back leads you to believe. For a novel whose main character is a gender-bender...
Book Review: The Ordinary
The Ordinary By Jim Grimsley I picked this book up from the library because it had a very interesting premise: There is one world that is very science-oriented, logical, over-populated and high-tech. There is another world that is flat, plentiful, and where magic is a...
Book Review: Descent into Dust
Descent into Dust By Jacqueline Lepore This was a random choice from the new fiction shelf in the library. As vampire novels go, it was about average. It was entertaining, there were some thrills and scares, and it's certainly set itself up for a series. The plot was...
Book Review: Bridge of Birds
Bridge of Birds By Barry Hughart This was a surprising find. I'm not huge into the traditional Asian/Chinese style of storytelling, so the subtitle 'A Novel of an Ancient China that Never Was' made me hesitate just a tad. I'm glad I ended up picking it up. This is a...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!