I'm finally doing something I probably should have done as soon as I opened up my shop and had my first sale: a customer photo gallery. Because I love to see how my creations live out in the world! So now, if you send in a high-quality photo of yourself wearing the...
Friday Favorites: Photography
Today I'm turning over the blog to Robin, summer sponsor and photographer extraordinaire. She's put together a great Friday Favorites for you - enjoy! Hi everyone, I’m Robin from Around the Island Photography, one of this summer’s sponsors here on Dragonflight...
DIY Coaster Photo Frames
This post originally appeared over at Easily Dunn as a guest post. Today I've got a simple but fun DIY for you. 🙂 Now, I don't know how most people feel about coasters, but it's one thing I can be a little OCD about. I hate water rings on tables, whether it's a...
Promo Shot
Take a gander at the nifty promo shot that DA is putting out: That's me, chilling in the backyard with a DA Myst print shirt, skinny jeans, my favorite red sandals, and some impromptu backdrop drapery. What you can't see is my mad dash between setting the...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!