Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove

Video of the week: Simple Animation Shows Kids Why Design Matters. A little slow to get started, but cute. Sofia Coppola to Direct Live-Action Version of The Little Mermaid. Hmm. Saying Goodbye to (Fictional) Friends. Don't worry, it's normal. Someone Else's Pain &...

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Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove

Cool thing of the week: This 16th Century Book Can Be Read Six Different Ways. My personal Fox News nightmare: Inside a month of self-induced torture. What happens when you watch 3 hours of Fox everyday as your only source of news. Sadly they are not the only major...

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Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove

The poll and survey for the 43rd annual Locus Awards is live. Sci-fi/fantasy/horror/YA fans, go vote! Related to the above: Why optimistic science fiction is dead and Worldbuilding: It’s More Than a Pretty Map. Want to strengthen your brain or appeal to consumers? Try...

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Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove

George Saunders’ Advice to Graduates: Be Kind. What Happened When My Son Wore A Pink Headband To Walmart. This just makes me sad. 10 Myths About Introverts A Client is a Client is a Client. Modern parenting may hinder brain development, research shows The Connections...

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How to Stay in Touch Post-GFC

As most of you have probably heard by now, Google is discontinuing the Google Friend Connect service for non-Blogger blogs as of March 1, 2012. Dragonflight Dreams is not a Blogger site, so this means if you've been using GFC to keep up with posts you're getting cut...

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Hi, I’m Amanda!

I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.

Thanks for stopping by!

Currently Reading

The Surviving Sky
Be: A No-Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places
Chillpreneur: The New Rules for Creating Success, Freedom, and Abundance on Your Terms
Thinking, Fast and Slow

Amanda's favorite books »

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Amanda has completed her goal of reading 75 books in 2023!

Types of Happenings