With Halloween at the end of the month, October seemed like the perfect time to dip into the darker side of Etsy. For this month's round-up, I looked for beautiful pieces with just a little edge of creepiness, weirdness or darkness. And I'm kind of loving how this...
Right Now
Right now, I am... procrastinating on finishing my laundry, and still trying to figure out what to pack for NY. trying to determine what ink color I should print with on this one shirt. still somewhat sleepy, even though it's noon and I've had caffeine. really hoping...
What I Wore: On Instagram
I don't have an outfit post for you today. Between rainy weather and sensitive lady times, I was just not feeling it. 'It' being the whole 'put together a cute outfit and brush your hair and haul the camera and tripod outside and take pictures for 20 minutes and hope...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Epically awesome video of the week: Lip Sync Battle with Joseph Gordon Levitt, Stephen Merchant and Jimmy Fallon I Am An Object Of Internet Ridicule, Ask Me Anything Every Every Every Generation Has Been the Me Me Me Generation. "Basically, it's not that people born...
Book Review: Quiet
Quiet The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain I've mentioned more than once on this blog that I am undeniably an introvert. So naturally, the title of this book piqued my interest. And it did prove an interesting read. Above all, it...
Recipe: Breakfast Bake Duo
We hosted a brunch this past weekend, which gave me the perfect opportunity to try out both the new oven and these two recipes my aunt passed along. Whenever she hosts a family gathering, you can bet that one morning will feature a tasty breakfast casserole. So I...
What I Wore: Navy Dots & Olive
Cue dramatic lighting! Haha. I took these pictures pretty late in the day compared to when I normally shoot, and the light was all slanty and golden. Yes, I know - that's why photographers call it the golden hour. I've just usually got something else on my plate at...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Video of the week: The History of Typography. Image of the week: How to Escalator. Brilliant. All escalators need this. How Robots Can Trick You Into Loving Them The Sweet, Funny, Listy Ways of Getting Millennials to Love You What a Messy Desk Says About You....
Bits & Pieces
This month, I am (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was a "life lately" post. 1. This weekend was a good weekend. Friday was just hanging out with the boy. Saturday we had people over for brunch in the morning (recipe coming...
Book Review: Heart’s Blood
Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier I've long been a fan of Juliet Marillier. Reading her Sevenwaters series years ago may have sparked in me an undying love for historical-fantasy-romance set in the British Isles. So when I randomly came across Heart's Blood on the...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!