Red Color Wheel Tier: Primary Tonal Value: Warm Complementary Color: Green Red is the color on the visible spectrum most easily seen and the color that most attracts attention (which is why it's so popular in advertising). It is also one of the most versatile colors,...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Photo series of the week: Photographer Reveals the Lonely Side of Superheroes. Video of the week: How Frozen Should Have Ended. YES. Atheists have higher IQs. "Researchers found that those with high IQs had greater self-control and were able to do more for themselves...
Send Me Your Photos
I'm finally doing something I probably should have done as soon as I opened up my shop and had my first sale: a customer photo gallery. Because I love to see how my creations live out in the world! So now, if you send in a high-quality photo of yourself wearing the...
Book Review: The Winter King
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson. When the rep from Harper Collins/Avon contacted me to see if I'd be interested in reviewing an advance copy of a high/epic fantasy romance, I didn't have to think twice. Magic and princes and sexy times? Yes, please. And The Winter King...
Right Now
Right now, I am... finishing up my cappuccino before hopping in the shower. looking forward to lunch with a friend at a new-to-me restaurant. gearing up to spray paint a bunch of terracotta pots this afternoon. trying to plan out which succulents/cacti to get for said...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Cartoon of the week: What it's like to own a Tesla Model S. Actually kind of want one now... (ha! price tag. Ha ha ha). Photo series of the week: The Topography of Tears. Different kinds of tears look different under a microscope - crazy! Very interesting read: What...
May Etsy Round-Up
May is named for the Greek goddess Maia, eldest of the seven Pleiades and mother of Hermes. In Greek, Maia also means midwife. In Roman mythology, Maia is associated with growth and fertility. So this month's round-up of Etsy finds celebrates all of those, in pretty...
Book Review: A Natural History of Dragons
A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent by Marie Brennan. Right, you thought I could walk by this cover in the library and not pick it up? Ha. This book is a fun little adventure story. The conceit is that it's told as a memoir, from the point of view of...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Cool art series of the week: Dangerdust Chalk Art. Alarming: This Is What a Holy Shit Moment for Global Warming Looks Like Why We Make Art - 7 artists explain. Elegant Henna Tattoo Crowns Help Cancer Patients Cope With Their Hair Loss. Very cool! The Skimm - daily...
Bits & Pieces
I caught the boy's cold last week (and in fact still have it) so if you're wondering where I've been on the blog and Twitter, the answer is the couch. Or bed. Not much time spent on the computer the last few days. Or at the Gelato World Tour, as planned - SO bummed to...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!