Thorn by Intisar Khanani. Princess Alyrra does not have a charmed life. Abused by her family and ignored by the court, her only solace is in her friendships with the servants, and the mysterious Wind that talks to her. When her mother announces she's to be married off...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Cartoon of the week: It's Going to Be Ok. Weird of the week: The Latest Trend Among Biohackers Is Implanting LED Lights Beneath Your Skin. Not at the Onion, this is a real thing. You Are Probably Pretty Self-Centered, But So Is Everyone Else. “No one is examining you...
Book Review: Sorcerer to the Crown
Sorcerer to the Crown (Sorcerer Royal, #1) by Zen Cho. What do you get if you mix 1 part Jane Austen style, 1 part historical fiction, 1 part mystery, a whole lot of magic, and a dash of playful absurdity à la Gail Carriger? This fun book. Sorcerer to the Crown tells...
Finally Hitched: Wedding Pictures!!
Not quite 2 months ago, Ian and I finally tied the knot! 😄 We were married at Villa Antonia here in northwest Austin hill country. After having nervously watched the weather for two weeks, September 20th dawned bright and beautiful. We had gorgeous weather...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Hello, I'm Mr. Null. My Name Makes Me Invisible to Computers. That would be such a pain! Google's New E-Mail Bot Writes Your Replies. Super skeptical of it's accuracy/usefulness. All 300-plus languages spoken in American homes, and the number of people who speak them....
Honeymoon Recap: Art
Warning! Possibly NSFW, lots of artwork with classical nudes coming up. I am a designer, with a pretty good studio arts and art history background, so it's no wonder I like to visit art museums. The surprise is that Ian, a very math-and-logic engineer type, LOVES art...
Book Review: Hunter
Hunter (Hunter #1) by Mercedes Lackey. Imagine if the separation between fiction and reality wavered, and terrible things from myth and legend and imagination suddenly came to life. This is the setup of the world of Hunter, which is our world several centuries in the...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Wil Wheaton is right: Stop expecting artists to work for free — or worse, for “exposure”. Bacon Causes Cancer? Sort of. Not Really. Ish. “Eating bacon is not as bad as smoking when it comes to cancer. Just no. The way WHO classifies cancer-causing substances, on the...
Honeymoon Recap: Scenery
Ok, the scenery is by far the biggest category in my honeymoon photo recap series (if you missed Food, it's here.). So I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking. There are captions on each one if you mouse over, and clicking will open up a lightbox viewer....
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Photo series of the week: Auto Mechanics Hilariously Recreate Renaissance Paintings. Love it. Funny and sad because it's true: Famous quotes, the way a woman would have to say them during a meeting. Feeling better about my adult coloring book: According To...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!