Your weekly round-up of read-worthy links. This week: disruption, cities, CEOs, voters, scam, coping mechanisms and more.
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Your weekly round-up of read-worthy links. This week: comics, fake news, healthcare systems, sanctuaries, open internets and more.
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Your weekly round-up of read-worthy links. This week: social anxiety, half-funny truths, taking a stand, identity politics, AI, and more.
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Your weekly round-up of read-worthy links. This week: beauty, irony, unknowns, AI learning, overthinking and more.
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Your weekly round-up of read-worthy links. This week: presidents, travesties, democracy, apps, girl books, and more.
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Your weekly round-up of read-worthy links. This week: voting, women vs. men, emotions, shoes, crosswalks and more.
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Your weekly round-up of read-worthy links. This week: friend requests, life expectencies, craft, babies, and more.
Book Review: Gilded Cage
Gilded Cage (Dark Gifts #1) by Vic James. In this alternate England, magically-gifted aristocrats (Equals) rule the land, while ungifted commoners must serve 10 years as slaves. When in their life they serve those 10 years is up to them, but serve it they must. Not...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Your weekly round-up of read-worthy links. This week: happy tweets, champion bars, backfiring insults, and more.
33 Before 33
As promised, here is my list of things I want to accomplish before my next birthday! Take a look: Finish the restructuring of my design site. Been working on this a little while, would like to finish it up and launch sooner rather than later. Finish designing a...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!