This week in You've Been Lied To: Sorry But Medieval Armies Probably Didn't Use Fire Arrows. Ironic Serif: A Brief History of Typographic Snark and the Failed Crusade for an Irony Mark. Your romantic first dates? Restaurants hate them. Delusion at the...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
If you only read one thing this week, read this: Female Rage Doesn’t Exist In A Vacuum. Girly Book Covers and Man Book Clubs In Defense of Unlikable Women (characters). “Like it or not, failure of empathy in the face of unlikable women in fiction can often lead...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Funny video of the week: Watch Jimmy Fallon Force Blake Shelton to Try Sushi for the First Time. I feel your pain, Blake. Not a sushi fan. Cool video of the week: This is what a lute sounds like. If you've ever read a fantasy or Renaissance novel and wondered....
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Video of the week: It's still legal to make women wear heels to work in the UK. So the Stylist team asked the men in their office to wear heels for a day. Don’t Call it a Tramp Stamp: How the Patriarchy Ruined My Tattoo. Bustin’ Makes Boys Feel Sad — Why the...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
This week in all you know is a lie: Vikings never wore horned helmets. Follow the breadcrumbs: why fairytales are magic for modern fiction. Personally, I am loving the prevalence of fairytale-based and inspired works lately. How Breakfast Became a Thing....
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Video of the week: this pet penguin in Japan walks himself to the fish market. Adorable!! When a book lover is in charge of the floorplan. Yup. We Know You Hate ‘Moist.’ What Other Words Repel You? An interesting look at word aversion. Why Are Powerful Women...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion. “The religiously unaffiliated, called "nones," are growing significantly. They’re the second largest religious group in North America and most of Europe. [...] There have long been predictions that religion would...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
The world's oldest known tree is 4,800 years old. Its location is secret. Because humans are awful. How Information Graphics Reveal Your Brain’s Blind Spots. More mind-bending: How to Apply Lateral Thinking to Your Creative Work. General Mills announced that it...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Vaccines Don't Cause Autism, But That's Not the Point. This will make you reframe some thoughts. As one teen with autism put it: “When people talk about vaccines and autism it makes me feel like I’m not a person but a ‘bad result.’ It reminds me that no one...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Video of the week: What happened when the Free Hugs Project offered hugs at a Donald Trump rally and a Bernie Sanders rally. Top 250 Global Attractions. How many have you been to? I got 56. The next hot job in Silicon Valley is for poets. Because making AI's...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!