This month, I am (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was a "life lately" post. 1. This weekend was a good weekend. Friday was just hanging out with the boy. Saturday we had people over for brunch in the morning (recipe coming...
What I Wore: Wine & Cream
This month, I am (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was a 'only photos.' Appropriate for Wednesday style posts, no? So here are some pics I snapped this morning. Skirt: Victoria's Secret; Shirt: H&M; Necklace: Etsy; Rings:...
A Self Portrait in Sound
This month, I will be (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was a self portrait. This is a poem I wrote back in 2005, and recently reworked/updated. I hope you enjoy. A Self Portrait in Sound I am a symphony, a harmonic cacophony...
More Proof I’m An Introvert
This month, I will be (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was to take this personality test, and respond to the results. Every other time I've taken a personality test based on Myers-Briggs types, I've come up INFJ. But with...
What I Wore: Daydreaming
This month, I will be (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. Today's prompt: If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? If I could take three months off and do anything, with money not...
Where I Come From
This month, I will be (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The first prompt (technically for tomorrow, but Tuesdays are reserved here) is to describe the things that have made me who I am. If you want to be literal about it, I was born in Mississippi...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!