As you may have noticed, there's been a bit of an overhaul here at Dragonflight. For one thing, it's now Dragonflight Dreams, instead of Dragonflight Apparel. Since this blog has really grown to be about more than just my screenprinting adventures, I thought a name...
Friday Favorites: Working from Home
This week's Friday Favorite post will be a bit scanty, folks. I've been dealing with a bad head cold all week - the kind that leaves you exhausted just by standing up long enough to take a shower. But between the [lots of] napping, soups, citrus, and meds, I've still...
December Connections
This month I am honored to be sponsoring SIX fabulous blogs! You should check them all out, on their own merits. And then watch for their sponsor-themed giveaways/coupon codes to snag some DA swag. 😉 Create*Loves Holly over at Create*Loves is a spunky Canadian,...
Holiday Special & Custom Orders
Holiday Special In case you didn't already hear through Twitter or Facebook, DD is offering a discount for your holiday shopping! Use coupon code TDAY2011 for 20% off your order from the DD store until Dec. 9. Custom Orders Also, I'm pleased to announce that DD will...
Gifts from Korea
My boyfriend FINALLY got back from the latest out-of-country-for-work stint this past weekend. He was in Korea for a whole month! It wasn't quite as bad as last year's trip, even though it was a week longer, because we got to video chat pretty regularly through...
Next Design: Phoenix
I have FINALLY finished sketching, erasing, tweaking, etc. the next design for DA, and am ready to make the screen. Check out the upcoming phoenix design: EDIT: Ok, I may have announced this prematurely. I woke up the next day, and was not happy with the wings. I...
Photo Fun
We had a big ol' photo shoot today, as I had some new items to add to the shop and also decided to re-photograph everything else in the shop in the beautiful fall sunshine. My boyfriend helped quite a bit (though he was grumbly when he had to be in front of the camera...
We’re Live!
Dragonflight Apparel is officially live! This blog will be where I announce new designs, explore/explain my process, ramble about things, etc. Bear with me for a little bit, as I know it's a bit sparse right now - more to come soon! At moment, I'm going through old...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!