Two hilarious videos my sister shared with me over Christmas: How To Wrap A Cat for Christmas and How (Not) to Wrap a Cat for Christmas. Watch in order, the 2nd is based on the first. Photo series of the week: It Looks Like A Crazy Guy Just Walking Around In The Snow....
2013 in Review
As 2013 winds to a close, I thought it fitting to do a review of things that have happened on this here blog over the past year and see what's what. Like last year, some of the selections for the most popular posts were a bit surprising. And some of the ones I'd...
Reusable Handwarmers
Between sewing lessons improving my skills, and being sort of broke when it came time for buying Christmas gifts, I tried to think of things I could make to give family. Now, my mom is a kindergarten teacher up in Ohio. They have outdoor recesses even in the winter....
My Top Reads & Sees of 2013
If you've been following the blog for awhile, you'll have heard me mention the Fifty/Fifty challenge that I do. You can see the full list of all the movies and shows I've watched, and all of the books I've read this year on that page. But awhile back Kara gave me the...
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays! I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family and friends, wherever in the world you are. 😀
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Awesome things of the week: A 92-Year-Old Grandmother Creates A Spectacular Collection Of Embroidered Temari Spheres, and Man decorates basement with $10 worth of Sharpie. Futuristic Glass Houses That Take Transparency to the Extreme. 5 Surprising Facts About...
Recipe: Chocolate Fudge
This is one of my all-time favorite sweets around the holidays: sweet, decadent chocolate fudge. My mom has been making this around Christmas for as long as I can remember, and since I've lived down here in Texas I've taken on making it on my own. Surprisingly, it's...
I'm off to Florida for Christmas, y'all! I've got a bunch of posts scheduled to come at you next, and I'll be back in a week and a half. Happy Holidays!
Book Review: Fangirl
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell This is one of my book club's picks for January. To be honest, initially I wasn't too excited about it. A story centering around a girl who writes fan fiction? Meh. I'm not huge on fan fiction in general, mostly because so much of it is badly...
What I Wore: Warms with White
I know I just said last week that I was thinking about not doing these anymore. But then it warmed up outside and was sunny, and I had an outfit I liked the colors of and wanted to capture. So here you have it. Not quite done with the style posts just yet. 🙂 These...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!