What I Wore: Wine & Cream

What I Wore: Wine & Cream

This month, I am (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was a 'only photos.' Appropriate for Wednesday style posts, no? So here are some pics I snapped this morning. Skirt: Victoria's Secret; Shirt: H&M; Necklace: Etsy; Rings:...

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Shades of Autumn

Shades of Autumn

Technically there's still another week before true autumn starts, though here in Texas we'll have at least another month or so of summer weather. That doesn't mean I can't start thinking about fall, right? Right. Accordingly, this month's Etsy round-up features some...

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Book vs. Movie: Cloud Atlas

Book vs. Movie: Cloud Atlas

I read half the book, then watched the movie, then read the other half of the book, so everything was still fresh for comparison. And this is one of the few times where I can't make a clear decision between the book and the movie as to which I liked better. I liked...

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More Proof I’m An Introvert

More Proof I’m An Introvert

This month, I will be (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was to take this personality test, and respond to the results. Every other time I've taken a personality test based on Myers-Briggs types, I've come up INFJ. But with...

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New Design: Dragonfly

New Design: Dragonfly

I know, I know - it's been awhile since I've done a new design for the shop. But I've had the itch to draw this for awhile, and finally sat down to do it this past weekend. So, behold, the next design coming soon to a t-shirt near you: That's a pretty cool looking...

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Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove

Thought-provoking video of the week: The Innovation of Loneliness. Cool art series of the week: High Speed Flower Explosions by Martin Klimas, and Cozy-Looking Clothes Carved From Stone. 4 Ways School Is Getting In The Way Of Your Education Introducing The To-Do List...

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A Self Portrait in Sound

A Self Portrait in Sound

This month, I will be (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. The prompt for today was a self portrait. This is a poem I wrote back in 2005, and recently reworked/updated. I hope you enjoy. A Self Portrait in Sound I am a symphony, a harmonic cacophony...

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Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove

Powerful photo series of the week: India's "Abused Goddesses" Campaign Against Domestic Violence Fun photo series of the week: This Unique Engagement Photo Shoot is To Die For. Two awesome cartoons: Why Feminism Matters, and If Other Professions Were Paid Like...

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Book Review: The Humans

Book Review: The Humans

The Humans by Matt Haig Goodreads has a pretty perfect summary of the story, so I'm just going to jump right into my thoughts/reaction. I liked it. It was funny in an absurd way, just the right amount of heart-breaking, and not at all boring. I personally get a kick...

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What I Wore: Daydreaming

What I Wore: Daydreaming

This month, I will be (sporadically) participating in Blogtember with Jenni. Today's prompt: If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? If I could take three months off and do anything, with money not...

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Hi, I’m Amanda!

I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.

Thanks for stopping by!

Currently Reading

The Surviving Sky
Be: A No-Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places
Chillpreneur: The New Rules for Creating Success, Freedom, and Abundance on Your Terms
Thinking, Fast and Slow

Amanda's favorite books »

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Amanda has completed her goal of reading 75 books in 2023!

Types of Happenings