Small glimpse into the inner workings of my mind: I have been thinking of this dress as a tribal print, since the pattern has a sort of hand-drawn quality to it up close (see the detail shot farther down). So I named the post accordingly. Then I went to link to the...
Book Review: The Happiness Project
The Happiness Project Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Rubin Ok, I'll be honest: I don't read much non-fiction, because I find most of it to be incredibly dull...
What I Wore: Modern Fairytale
A few weeks ago, Vanessa contacted me about doing a themed outfit post. Specifically, the theme was to be 'My Favorite Fairy Tale.' I thought this was a fun idea (and good timing since I'm planning on reading Grimms' Fairy Tales this month), so I signed up. It was a...
June Book Club Review & Link-up: Soulless
Soulless (Parasol Protectorate #1) by Gail Carriger This was the June Blogger Book Club pick, in the Paranormal genre. And personally, I thought it was a treat - just a delightfully fun read. Soulless has the witty flavor of Jane Austen mixed with steampunk, mystery,...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Terrifying video of the week: Snakes can open doors, good luck sleeping tonight. Haunting and oddly beautiful video of the week: Metamorphosis, a wordless retelling of the myth of Artemis and Actaeon. You Are Not Weak For Wanting Love Get More Done: Spend Half Your...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
The Importance of Having a Website - yes! Dana nailed this one. I may have to start referring certain clients to that article. A very gentle PSA to anyone who may be writing a trend piece about millennials. Also yes! "During our childhoods, unemployment was low,...
Right Now
Right now, I am... drinking my morning French vanilla cappuccino. looking forward to date lunch since Ian has a half day and we missed date night on Wednesday because of his work. trying to move up the weekly leaderboard in Words with Friends (username is ajcobby23 if...
Tuesday Treasure Trove
Oddly mesmerizing video of the week: What the hell is going on with these deer? "For close to three minutes, this huge herd of deer can be seen lining up in orderly fashion to bound calmly and gracefully over a fence, one by one. Then, out of nowhere, the deer turn...
What I Wore: Bleach Painted
This is what I wore yesterday. Well, at least for part of the day. I changed into jeans in the afternoon for a chiropractic appointment (because shorter skirts + adjustment table/traction table don't mix well) and never got around to getting back into to the skirt. I...
Kitschy Gift Swap
A few weeks ago, Caitlin had the brilliant idea to host a gift swap. But not just any gift swap: a gift swap centered around the cheap, touristy, kitschy stuff from around where you live. Seeing as Austin in particular and Texas in general is chock full of that kind...

Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!