Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove

Funny video of the week: Dogs vs. Citrus. How to Make a Media Kit that ROCKS. Is there a technological fix for racism? These scientists say yes. Kind of fascinating: online paper dolls/dress-up games. Hands-Free Talking and Texting Are Unsafe for Drivers. I am not...

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June Etsy Round-Up

June Etsy Round-Up

Etsy round-up time again! I've got two for you today. First is the June-themed jewelry round-up, featuring pearls, roses, Gemini and Cancer. Second is a collection of items for the menfolk, in honor of Father's Day. June Jewelryby Dragonflight Dreams Wire Wrapped...

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What I Wore: 7 x 7 Remix Challenge

What I Wore: 7 x 7 Remix Challenge

Today is something a little different and fun! I'm linking up with Audrey and Natalia for the 7x7 Remix Challenge. The idea is that you pick 7 pieces of clothing (shoes count, for this one), and can only use those items to make 7 different outfits (i.e. a week's...

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Blanco Lavender Festival

Blanco Lavender Festival

  This past weekend, the boy and I headed down to Blanco for the annual lavender festival. We'd never been, and I was curious to see what it was like. It was a little over an hour drive out into Texas Hill Country. There's a pretty huge market setup in downtown...

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Book Review: The Host

Book Review: The Host

The Host by Stephenie Meyer Ok, let's just get some things out of the way up front: yes, this is by the author of the Twilight series. Yes, I enjoyed that saga, if not the prose itself. No, this book is not related to that series at all. No, there are not vampires or...

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Short Story Challenge Results & Round-Up

Short Story Challenge Results & Round-Up

Late last night, the final results of the 2013 NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge were announced. And I'm happy to say that, in a contest that started out with about 800 people from all around the world, I made it through all 3 rounds and ended up in 5th place. :-D...

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Tuesday Treasure Trove

Tuesday Treasure Trove

How To Make It Impossible To Fail Activity Breeds Activity A must-read for this summer: The New Rules for Sunscreen Why coffee is called “joe” Want to go to space? First, you must live in this dome for 2 years. Researchers Unveil A Thought-Controlled Drone $#*!...

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Right Now

Right Now

Right now, I am... looking forward to going to the lavender festival tomorrow during the day, and having friends over that evening, and then the Mumford & Sons concert on Sunday! Busy weekend, but all full of fun things. 😀 glad I went to the Bites & Bloggers...

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Hi, I’m Amanda!

I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.

Thanks for stopping by!

Currently Reading

The Surviving Sky
Be: A No-Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places
Chillpreneur: The New Rules for Creating Success, Freedom, and Abundance on Your Terms
Thinking, Fast and Slow

Amanda's favorite books »

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Amanda has completed her goal of reading 75 books in 2023!

Types of Happenings