A little while back Angie from Lariats & Lavender tagged me in this post on her site. Holidays were a bit hectic, so I'm just now getting to it. Here it goes! Rules: You must post these rules. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog. Answer...
New Year, New Name, New Goals
As you may have noticed, there's been a bit of an overhaul here at Dragonflight. For one thing, it's now Dragonflight Dreams, instead of Dragonflight Apparel. Since this blog has really grown to be about more than just my screenprinting adventures, I thought a name...
Friday Favorites: Christmas Gifts
So, as you may have assumed, we survived the trip up north. Even better, the relationship with the boy survived exposure to teen Amanda geekdom and nosy family questions. 🙂 It was a good time. I got to see my sisters and mom, and a big chunk of the extended family. I...
Survey Meme
Hi! I'm back in Texas after surviving the frozen northlands. I'll do a holiday round-up post tomorrow or the next day, because it was a good trip and there were a few epic gifts that need to be celebrated. But since I'm still playing catch-up on work, I'm just doing a...
Heading North
Tomorrow the boyfriend, puppy, and I embark on The Great Christmas Roadtrip of 2011. We are piling ourselves and all of our various suitcases, kennel/toys, and gifts into my car and hitting the 18-ish-hour road to Ohio. This will be an occasion on two fronts: 1) the...
Friday Favorites: Working from Home
This week's Friday Favorite post will be a bit scanty, folks. I've been dealing with a bad head cold all week - the kind that leaves you exhausted just by standing up long enough to take a shower. But between the [lots of] napping, soups, citrus, and meds, I've still...
Gifts from Korea
My boyfriend FINALLY got back from the latest out-of-country-for-work stint this past weekend. He was in Korea for a whole month! It wasn't quite as bad as last year's trip, even though it was a week longer, because we got to video chat pretty regularly through...
Friday Favorites: Cuddly Puppies
I'm pretty low on energy today, and I think I'm getting sick. It would be nice to curl up in bed with my boyfriend, but he doesn't get back from Korea for another week. Amazingly, our puppy Sienna (who is usually far too full of energy to cuddle for more than 5...
Right Now
Right now, I am... somehow already completely caught up on freelance work for the day. missing my boyfriend a lot. But only 11 more days until he's back from Korea! thankful that it finally rained! frustrated with my puppy, who tracked mud all over the floor because...
The Best of Austin
This morning I had a craving for a chai tea latte. A pretty intense craving. And I had some free time and some errands to run, so I thought - why not? and hopped in the car. But did I go to the closest coffee place in order to fulfill this craving, as most sensible...
Hi, I’m Amanda!
I’m a self-employed graphic designer by day, and a crafty hungry bookworm by night. Dragonflight Dreams is where I write about books, recipes, internet goodies, life things, crafty projects, Austin happenings, and more.
Thanks for stopping by!